Student Resources
Students entering the ESOL program are required to take the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) language placement test. Students entering the ABE or GED programs are required to take the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE) for placement.
Similarly, students entering the career and technical programs consisting of 450 clock hours or more in length are required to take the TABE within six (6) weeks of entry into their program of study. The purpose of testing is to verify grade levels for individualized instruction and program completion.
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
The TABE is used to establish a student’s grade level in Reading, Math, and Language. It is administered to all students entering CTE, ABE, and GED classes. When students fall below the required level, they are placed in Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes and post-tested at the end of the school trimester after accruing at least 60 instruction hours. TABE score requirements for Career/Technical students vary according to the occupational program. In most cases, where students score low on the TABE, they are encouraged to participate in the online Applied Academics for Adult Education (AAAE) program in order to improve their academic skills for program completion purposes.
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS)
The CASAS test is administered to students entering English language classes. It consists of Reading and Listening components. After pre-testing, the lower of the two scores is used for placement in one of the six ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) levels ranging from Foundations to Advanced. After participating in ESOL classes for at least 70 hours and making adequate academic progress, students can be sent by the teacher to take the post-test. The results of the post-test will determine whether they advance to the next level or continue for further instruction at the same level. Itemized test reports generated from the CASAS are also used by ESOL teachers to tailor instruction based on students’ needs.
Remote Learning Access
Adult Basic Education
English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Burlington English
- Ventures (Arcade)
- USA Learns
- Seminole State College of Florida (Reading Practice for ESOL)
- Seminole State College of Florida (Listening Practice for ESOL)
Career/Technical Education
- Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Over 18 years (PDF)
- Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Under 18 years (PDF)
- Adult and Community Education Handbook (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Handbook (PDF)
- Anti-Discrimination Policy - English, Spanish, Creole (PDF)
- Basic Skills and Licensure Exemption List 2024-2025 (PDF)
- CTE Teacher’s Office Hours (PDF)
- Duplicate Transcript / Certificate Request Form (PDF)
- Financial Aid Handbook (PDF)
- Job Description - Technical College Assistant Director (PDF)
- Job Description - Technical College Director (PDF)
- Mental Health - We Can Help - English, Spanish, Creole (PDF)
- Plan for Assuring the Health and Safety of the Institution’s Employees, Students, and Guests (PDF)
- Plan for Program and Institutional Outcomes Follow-Up (PDF)
- Plan for Information Technology, Privacy, Safety, and Security (PDF)
- Plan for Institutional Placement Services (PDF)
- Plan for Media Services (PDF)
- Plan for Operation and Maintenance of the Physical Plant Including Technical Infrastructure (PDF)
- Plan for Student Retention (PDF)
- Plan for Student Services Effectiveness (PDF)
- Post-Secondary Code of Student Conduct (PDF)
- School Calendar 2024-2025 (PDF)
- School Catalog 2024-2025 (PDF)
- Strategic Plan 2021-2024 (PDF)
- Student Grievance Policy for Handing Complaints (PDF)
- Student Handbook 2024-2025 (PDF)
- Student Portal - Password Reset and Registration - English, Spanish, Creole, Portuguese (PDF)
- Customer Service Survey (PDF)
- Library / Media Center User Survey (PDF)
- Student Evaluation of Classroom Instruction Form (PDF)
Useful links
- Ability to Benefit (ATB) (WEB)
- Adults with Disabilities Programs (WEB)
- Business Professionals of America - CTE Students (WEB)
- Career Exploration Resources - “My Next Move” (WEB)
- COVID-19 Resources (PDF)
- Dictionary (WEB)
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America - CTE Students (WEB)
- Florida Shines School Profile - The English Center (WEB)
- Fortify - Suspicious Activity Reporting Tool - English (PDF)
- Fortify - Suspicious Activity Reporting Tool - Spanish (PDF)
- How to Access the Adult Education Portal (PDF)
- (WEB)
- National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations - CTE Students (WEB)
- Path to a Career Technical Education for Undocumented Students (PDF)
- Resources for Immigrant Families (PDF)
- Skills USA - CTE Students (WEB)
- 2024 Instructions to Access IRS 1098-T Form (PDF)
- 2023-2024 Climate Survey For Post-Secondary Students (WEB)