Mental Health Services


Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Department of Mental Health Services coordinates District and community resources in an effort to deliver evidence-based mental health service and treatment for M-DCPS students. Mental health challenges among children, adolescents, and adults can bring serious changes to the way they typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, which in turn can cause distress and challenges in getting through the day. M-DCPS is here to help.

How M-DCPS Can Help

  • Mental health counseling services for students and families
  • Mental health screenings and assessments
  • Bullying Prevention Program
  • Sensitivity Training in the areas of race, gender, social economic status, linguistic differences and disability
  • Provide all students with Culture of Respect Training

Other Resources

  • School Site Administrators or Guidance Counselors
  • School Social Worker
  • School-Site Mental Health Team


For assistance contact our Guidance Counselors or call (305) 995-7100.